Carinthia Radreisen is a product of
Strafinger Tourismusmanagement & Reisebüro GmbH
Ossiacher-See-Süduferstraße 59-61
9523 Landskron / Villach
T: +43 - 4242/44 200 - 37
F: +43 - 4242/44 200 - 90
Information according to ECG
Company headquarters: Landskron near Villach
UID Nr. ATU 25672108
Commercial register no. FN 106123p
Commercial register court: Klagenfurt
Trade authority: Municipality of the city of Villach
Managing director: Max Strafinger
Membership no. of the WKO: 59259
Specialist groups: travel agency, freight transport industry
Strafinger tourism workshop
Ossiacher-See-Süduferstaße 59-61, 9523 Landskron / Villach
Tel: +43 (0) 42 42/44200
Fax: +43 (0) 42 42/44200 - 90
marketing @ str afin ger. at
www. str afin ger. at
The content and the presentation of the website operated by Kärnten Radreisen are protected by copyright. Despite the utmost care, Kärnten Radreisen cannot be held liable for the correctness of the information provided or for permanent technical availability. In particular, no liability can be assumed for the content of externally linked websites.
Photos (Copyright)
Strafinger Tourismusmanagement & Reisebüro GmbH, Kärnten Radreisen, Österreich Werbung, Shutterstock, PARTNER: Kärnten Werbung (Edward Gröder, Zupanc, Gerdl, Leitner, Rauschendorfer), Carnica-Region Rosental, Schloss & Tierpark Rosegg, Region Villach Tourismus GmbH, Wörthersee Tourismus GmbH, Tourismusregion Klopeiner See - Südkärnten GmbH, Tourismusverein Mittelkärnten, Erich Auer, sponsors, partner companies & advertisers, ...
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